The Calvary Gospel Prison Ministry Team ministers to men and women at the Charles County Detention Center. Some of the services provided by our Prison Ministry Team include: Bible study sessions, worship services, life skills training on practical topics and reentry, Angel Tree gifts and mentoring for children of the incarcerated and their caretakers, letter writing to incarcerated parents of Angel Tree children, and after care needs.
Our Prison Ministry Team is always looking for new volunteers. In order to volunteer, candidates must be church members, and need to fill out three forms (click the forms below to download):
Note: A witness signature is required in the spots marked “witness” on the forms. Email the completed forms to the Prison Ministry by clicking here.
In addition to going into the detention center to minister, additional opportunities are available for Calvary Gospel Church members to volunteer.
We have compiled a list of book titles and a magazine subscription that may be purchased and donated. All books must be paperback editions. After purchasing any of the titles, please bring the reading materials to Calvary Gospel Church, they will be hand delivered to the detention center by the Prison Ministry.
Life Skill Educators teach on topics such as exercise classes or sporting activities, yoga, art classes, anger management, how to interview, resume writing, parenting skills, building relationships, finances, job skills, and job opportunities for ex-inmates. To volunteer as a life skills teacher, you must complete the three volunteer forms found above.
Each year, our ministry provides dozens of Angel Tree Christmas gifts to children of the incarcerated and their caretakers. Letters are written to each of the incarcerated parents thanking them for attending church services with their prison chaplain and adding the names of their children to that facility’s Angel Tree list. As a result, many of the inmates write back, but there may be missed opportunities in responding to their letters with only one person doing the letter writing. There is no requirement to fill out paperwork to volunteer as a letter writer.
angel tree mentor
The Prison Ministry Team helps provide Angel Tree gifts to local children of the incarcerated each Christmas season. These children struggle with the loneliness of living without their mom or dad not just at Christmas—but all year long. Angel Tree mentors are needed for our Angel Tree children, and they live right here in Waldorf, White Plains, LaPlata, Indian Head, and other local areas.
In-prison mentor
By modeling godly attitudes and behaviors, In-Prison Mentors prepare prisoners for transition back into their families, their churches, and their communities, demonstrating genuine care on the long-term road to transformation.
after care/re-entry ministry leader
The after care/re-entry ministry leader assists in developing and managing a team of volunteer mentors. Mentors are trained to help soon-to-be-released and recently released inmates (of their same gender) carry out a thoughtful plan for re-entry into society, including full compliance with the conditions of release, as well as reintegration into family, church, and community.
If you have any questions, email the Prison Ministry by clicking the button below.