calvary Gospel bible institute

The Calvary Gospel Bible Institute offers you the opportunity to pursue a more formal, in-depth, and scholarly systematic study of the Bible, the church, and your Christian faith, without the pressure of working toward a college degree!  The institute presents information on a college level, that is, beyond what you can achieve in Bible study classes on Wednesday nights.  You attend the institute classes of your choice; you hear the lectures, participate in discussions and read the material assigned.  You will not take tests, exams, or turn in term papers and reports.  For every ten courses that you complete, you will receive a special certificate that will be presented to you during the annual commencement exercises for the college.
Requirements for course completion consist of attending at least 7 of the ten classes in each course for which you have registered.  You must read the book that is assigned for that course. You will be charged the reduced tuition fee of $100.00 per course, or $50 for a seminar, which must be paid by the first night of the semester for admission to the class.
For more information about CGBI contact the college registrar, Carol Roland.


Attendance Policy

Semester Courses meet for eight 1-hour classes. Students
may be absent for two classes without penalty.


Graduation ceremonies are held once a year the last week of
September or first week of October. Students who have earned a certificate may participate.


The GCBI campus in located at 11150 Berry Rd. Waldorf, Maryland in the Family Life Center.

Course Fee

Course Fee: $75 per course.
Seminars include lunch and handouts.

Components of a Textbook Interaction Paper

The main theme and development of the
book is to be covered.
What is your opinion of the book? Did you per-
sonally enjoy it? Was it written in a style that was easy to read?

Did the author make a persuasive case? Was there a good
balance between text and illustration? Was the material well
referenced and documented?
Personal Involvement

How did this paper affect you personally?

What main points did you agree with or disagree with?

How will you be able to apply this teaching to your life and

How does this material compare or contrast with other teachings you have heard?

What material was brand new to you?

What material challenged some of your traditional way of thinking?

What part of the book was most interesting to you?

What issues have created such curiosity within you that you
would want to do more research?