Students may work towards their certificates by taking classes as desired per semester. There are no time limits for obtaining a certificate. Each course awards 3 credits towards a certificate of completion. Each student will be required to write a one page interaction paper of the course.
Level 1 Certificate
Level 2 Certificate
Level 3 Certificate
Level 3 Certificate
30 credits
30 credits
with completion of level 1
with completion of level 1
30 credits
with completion of levels 1 and 2
with completion of levels 1 and 2
30 credits
with completion of all levels and 3
with completion of all levels and 3
Enrollment procedures
Students are to complete the registration form and submit it to the Registrar prior to the commencement of a new semester. A letter of confirmation will be sent to the student. Tuition is due on the first night of classes. When students register for a course, they are enrolled in the Bible Institute.
Registration is coming soon.
Registration is coming soon.
Winter Semesters
Mid January to Mid April
Mid January to Mid April
Spring Semesters
Mid May to Mid August
Mid May to Mid August
Fall Semesters
Mid September to Mid December
Mid September to Mid December
Thursday Evening Class with Pastor Wood
7:15 PM - 8:25 PM
7:15 PM - 8:25 PM
Saturday Seminars w/ Lunch at 11:30
9: 00 AM - 1:30 PM
9: 00 AM - 1:30 PM
Admission Cost
Educational Tour Credits
Course Fee: $75 per course.
Seminars include lunch and handouts.
Seminars include lunch and handouts.
The Educational Tour is optional and could substitute 9 points. Biannually CGBI will sponsor an overseas trip of an educational nature. This will require the keeping of a journal and special readings.
Course descriptions
Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to provide a solid biblical foundation, practical ministry skills, and spiritual growth for all students.