Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)
The Calvary Health Fair brings together a dynamic team of medical and spiritual professionals to educate, inspire, and empower our community. This event features a variety of specialized booths and sessions tailored to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Check out the FEATURED BOOTHS.
Pharmacy Education Stand
Gain insights into medication management and safety with Dr. Stokes, Pharmacist.
Mental Health Awareness
Learn about mental health strategies and resources from Lucie Jeanne, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner-BC.
General Health & Vital Signs Education
Focus on blood pressure management and stroke prevention with Nadege Djeukui, Family Nurse Practitioner-BC, and Sister Munah, Registered Nurse.
Pregnancy Education
Comprehensive guidance for pregnancy care with Kristine Paxton, Registered Nurse.
Diabetes & Cardiac Health
Understand the management of diabetes and heart disease with Emma, Family Nurse Practitioner-BC.
Nutrition Education
Tips for a healthier lifestyle with Sister Tonya.
Fitness Education
Explore strategies for staying active with Minister Heather Williams.
Brokenness to Wholeness
Find emotional support and encouragement with Sister Lisa Brown.
Foster Care & Adoption Advocacy
Discover the joys of fostering and adoption with Brother Mykal Cox.
Life Support & CPR Training
Hands-on training in life-saving techniques by Brother Jonathan Paxton, Paramedic/CPR/ACLS Instructor.
Evangelization Stand
Share and deepen your faith with Sister Angela Gaines.
Prayer Ministry Stand
Engage in heartfelt prayer and spiritual support with Sister Yemi Lawanson.
Fall Prevention Education
Specialized guidance from physical therapists Sister Francis Yvonne (Oncology) and Sister Francis Yvette (Geriatrics).
Airway Education
Learn about respiratory health with Suzy Djampa and Sister Jereen, specialists in conditions like sleep apnea, asthma, and emphysema.
Amazing Grace Christian Counseling Services
Emotional and spiritual counseling with Dr. Ebere Leandre.