Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
-Proverbs 22:6
-Proverbs 22:6

SUNDAYS 9:30 aM - 10:15 aM
Youth in kindergarten to high school are invited to attend Sunday school before service.
Located in the Family Life Center.
Located in the Family Life Center.

SUNDAYS 9:30 aM - 10:15 aM
Youth in kindergarten to high school are invited to attend Sunday school before service.
Located in the Family Life Center.
Located in the Family Life Center.

WEDNESDAYS 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
This enriching program is designed for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Its’ purpose is to train our boys and girls in Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the Kids Zone behind the loft on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the Kids Zone behind the loft on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center.
RADICAL FAITH friends' midweek bible study
WEDNESDAYS 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
This enriching program is designed for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Its’ purpose is to train our boys and girls in Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the Kids Zone behind the loft on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the Kids Zone behind the loft on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center.

SUNDAYS 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
Youth in kindergarten to high school are invited to attend Sunday school before service.
Located in the Family Life Center.
Located in the Family Life Center.

Children are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3) and it’s our privilege at Calvary Gospel Church to lead them to Christ. Young children are encouraged to participate in Children’s Church under the leadership of Julie Coleman and her team. After worshipping together with the congregation, children from four years old to fifth grade, are then dismissed to go and learn the word of God according to their age/grade level.
little lambs
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
This enriching program is designed for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Its’ purpose is to train our boys and girls in Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
little lambs
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
This enriching program is designed for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Its’ purpose is to train our boys and girls in Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
The Radical Faith Club meets in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
The Radical Faith Club meets in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
This enriching program is designed for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Its’ purpose is to train our boys and girls in Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
The Radical Faith Friends meet in the College Classroom located in the Family Life Center.
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
King’s Kids is a program offered during Sunday morning worship for1st-5th grade children involving music, teaching, missions, games, and crafts. It is located in the Family Life Center.
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
King’s Kids is a program offered during Sunday morning worship for1st-5th grade children involving music, teaching, missions, games, and crafts. It is located in the Family Life Center.
Sundays -- Dismissed During Sunday Service
King’s Kids is a program offered during Sunday morning worship for1st-5th grade children involving music, teaching, missions, games, and crafts. It is located in the Family Life Center. Click here to request more information.